Virtually every beer-battered fish recipe looks crispy coming out of the fryer, and some even stay crispy for a few minutes, but then the inevitable sogginess...
Virtually every beer-battered fish recipe looks crispy coming out of the fryer, and some even stay crispy for a few minutes, but then the inevitable sogginess...
A super simple broiled grouper fillet recipe for all of you grouper groupies. Fillets 1 inch thick take about 12 to 14 minutes to cook properly. If using...
This makes a good presentation served on either salad greens or mashed potatoes but is also very tasty. When red fish is not available I've used grouper...
Once you get the prep work done, this dish is done in a flash! Grouper is mildly flavored, with a gently firm white flesh, and the tomatoes, onions, and...
Rockfish fillets are placed on a bed of fresh spinach, seasoned with dill, lemon pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper and topped with...
Barramundi has been available quite often in my local supermarket. This recipe would also be good with tilapia. The butter-lemon-basil sauce is also good...
Barramundi has been available quite often in my local supermarket. This recipe would also be good with tilapia. The butter-lemon-basil sauce is also good...
Barramundi has been available quite often in my local supermarket. This recipe would also be good with tilapia. The butter-lemon-basil sauce is also good...
Barramundi has been available quite often in my local supermarket. This recipe would also be good with tilapia. The butter-lemon-basil sauce is also good...
Hey, seafood lovers! This is a delicious dish for you. It includes scallops, shrimp and imitation crabmeat along with mushrooms, garlic and onions. They're...
This walleye recipe is the one my dad has been using for 25 years. It's light and clean-tasting because there's no sense in masking the naturally delicious...
This is a great recipe for a night when you're feeling lazy - only a few ingredients, nothing to chop, easy cleanup, and very yummy! My husband announced...
My fisherman's pie gives you flaky cod mingled with spinach in a garlic and lemon-scented sauce underneath a browned crust of creamy, buttery potatoes...
Who would think bananas would go so nicely with fish? I used sole with this recipe, but I think any white fish would work. My family usually doesn't eat...
No cooking involved. This recipe is for busy people looking for an easy recipe; great for fish lovers, even those a bit skeptical of sardines. This recipe...
This is my take on the oft requested miso-glazed, black cod, made famous by chef Nobu Matsuhisa. In addition to a taste and texture to die for, this is...
I love perch. I love everything about them--the sweet, delicate flavor, the striking coloration, and the stubborn fight they put up for their size. The...
A baked bluefish recipe which surrounds the palate with bluefish flavor but not the fat or typically strong bluefish odor. This fish tastes delicious served...
This wonderful, tangy sauce really compliments the flavor of grilled swordfish steaks. Serve with the cucumber sauce, and the combination of flavors are...
This is one of our favorite ways to prepare trout. Excellent paired with rice pilaf, side salad, and a glass of pinot grigio for an easy, light, and tasty...
I use this recipe all the time in the kitchen and the outdoors for fresh trout. To add some variation, substitute the lemon with a an orange and add 3...
For all of the seafood lovers who don't want to eat rich, fat food. This one is for you...velvety and tasty. Try serving with some warm crusty bread, if...
Tasty grilled fish fillet with a tantalizing color and zesty, zingy taste. I love to experiment with grilling fish and marinades, and this is one I've...
Use Boursin or Allouette Cheese and canned tomatoes seasoned with onion, peppers and garlic to make this dish with fresh cod. It's an outstanding fish...
A delicious fish with a summery flavor! Preparation Time: 25 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy...